S&S Rendez Vous

23 – 26 June, Marciana Marina (ITA)

“The S&S Swan Association has reached its 20th year of activity, and what better way to celebrate such an important milestone than to gather a sizeable fleet of S&S Swans and get together and race at the S&S Swan Rendez-vous?

Despite the difficult year for the whole world we are proud to have received the enthusiastic registration of no less than 25 Sparkman & Stephens Swans, from the small 36 to the majestic 65, who will meet in Marciana Marina, the most beautiful and pathos-filled village on the Island of Elba, to race together between June 23rd and 26th.

Hosted, as has become tradition, by the Circolo della Vela Marciana Marina, the Swans will be moored on a quay dedicated to them, and their Crews and Owners, after having exchanged pleasant and reciprocal visits on board, with toasts and pleasantries, will fight relentlessly in the blue waters in front of the beautiful town, but with the fair play typical of those who are used to sailing aboard the most beautiful Ladies of the Sea.”, states Matteo Salamon, president of Sparkman & Stephens Association.