Federico Michetti has gained a great experience as professional sailor in the most important one design classes achieving the following results:
Mr. Michetti is now responsible for the management of the whole Swan Design activities and events. His commitment aims to guarantee the best experience to the ClubSwan owners during the regattas and the events organized by the company. federico.michetti@nautorswan.com
Andy Bianchedi is an Italian philanthropist, sailor and entrepreneur.
He lives in Milan where he runs the family office comprising the real estate, shares and economic investments and relative associated companies.
He is a member of the Yacht Club Italiano and the owner of two sailing yachts, Drifter Sail ( Swan 50’) and Drifter Cube (Swan 98’)
Chief Measurer for all Swan One Design Classes, along with other major international classes. RORC Rating Office Technical Consultant, Naval Architect & Build Project Manager. measurerclubswanracing@nautorswan.com
Responsible for the day-to-day coordination and communication for all Swan One Design Classes, working closely with the Class Presidents and the Technical teams. class@clubswan50.com